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Emotional Stories Create Trust

"…we're all hardwired in moments of empathy to see ourselves in another. Hearing each other's stories actually raises our levels of feel-good hormone oxytocin, which is what nursing mothers secrete when they breastfeed - what partly helps them bond with their young. It helps to join us together in some tribal way."

- Mary Karr

I was skeptical when I first read about this direct correlation between oxytocin and bonding. Then I did some research. It was indeed true and there is a lot of science to back it up. It’s very real. Hug someone and you get a boost of oxytocin. Watch an emotional video - get a boost. Read about how your grandmother fell in love with your grandfather - get a boost. Emotional stories do indeed bond people. Those stories can do it across time and space. Write your letter and connect with the people you love.

Watch the Ted Talk by Paul Zak “Trust, Morality and Oxytocin.”

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