“Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is transitory, the other perpetual.”
What would you rather receive from you grandparents - money or a letter that told you about their life and their best words of advice?
The first answer would be both.
But what if you had to choose.
That would then bring up the obvious question - “How much money?” If it was a million dollars, you would obviously choose the money. But what if it was a hundred dollars? Which would you choose?
Me, I would go with the words. Maybe it is because I am 64 years old and a hundred dollars doesn’t mean as much as would to someone that is 24 years old. Maybe, because I would see the hundred dollars as buying a tank of gas that would last a week versus words that would tie me closer to my family and provide wisdom and encouragement that could last beyond a single lifetime.
Words bring family ties and roots.
Words can comfort and inspire.
Words can last for generations.
Money is gone in no time.